Sunday 17 January 2010

Praeternatural Forking. Joseph Mankiewicz. People Will Talk

presentation by Corry Shores
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[The following is quotation. Image credits below. Thank you source.]
[In the English Translation of Cinema 2, the title of this movie is sometimes rendered Whispers in the City. In some places in the French text it is On murmure dans la ville and other places it is People Will Talk].

Praeternatural Forking
Joseph Mankiewicz
People Will Talk

Gilles Deleuze

Cinema 2: The Time Image
Cinéma 2: L'image-temps

Chapter III. From Recollection to Dreams: Third Commentary on Bergson
Chapitre III. Du souvenir aux rêves (troisième commentaire de Bergson)

2c: The two poles of the flashback: Carné, Mankiewicz
2c: Les deux pôles du flash-back : Carné, Mankiewicz

One of Mankiewicz's most beautiful forks in Whispers in the City [sic. People Will Talk], where the doctor, who has come to tell the father that his daughter is pregnant, finds himself in the middle of talking to the daughter about love and asks to marry her, in a dream-landscape. [DeleuzeCinema 2, 1989: 47d]

Une des plus belles fourches de Mankiewicz est dans « On murmure dans la ville », où le médecin, venu annoncer au père que sa fille était enceinte, se retrouve en train de parler d'amour à la fille et la demande en mariage, dans un paysage onirique. [Deleuze Cinéma 2, 1985: 69bc]

The Components of the Image
Les composantes de l’image

The voice-off, and the second kind of speech-act: reflexive
La voix off, et la deuxième sorte d’acte de parole : réflexif

The prime example of such a cinematographic network is Mankiewicz, and especially People Will Talk where all the speech-acts intercommunicate but also both the visual image to which these speech-acts refer, and the music which harmonizes and goes beyond them, carrying away the image itself. [Deleuze Cinema 2, 1989: 228]

L’exemple même d’un tel réseau cinématographique serait Mankiewicz, et notamment «
People will talk » où tous les actes de parole communiquent, mais aussi d’une part l’image visuelle à laquelle ces actes de parole se rapportent, d’autre part la musique qui les accorde et les dépasse, emportant l’image elle-même
[Deleuze Cinéma 2, 1985: 308bc]

Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 2: The Time Image. Transl. Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta. London & New York: 1989.

Deleuze, Gilles. Cinéma 2: L'image-temps. Paris:Les éditions de minuit, 1985.

Image obtained gratefully from:

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